Are You the Happiest Pinoy? Search for the Happiest Pinoy 2012 to win P250,000.00

Happiest Pinoy Search 2012

When in Manila, have you considered yourself a relatively happy person?




When I’ve heard about the Happiest Pinoy nationwide search of Cebuana Lhuilier Insurance Solutions, Inc. (CLIS), a week-long debate went on between a friend and I about it. What are the grounds for declaring someone as happy, more so happiest? Happiness is relative. What makes one person happy does not necessarily mean that it can make everyone else filled with glee. A capitalist’s triumph is the proletariat’s burden. How can you even measure something that’s not even quantifiable, to begin with?


I’d have to admit I cannot exactly say that I’m generally a happy person. I’ve had my fair share of a very long (recurring?) quarter life crisis and sometimes existentialism hits me really hard. There are times when I just want to get by, believing that I should reach that point where everything is ok. I know that somewhere, sometime, something good is bound to happen.


Earlier I’ve had the privilege to meet Winston Maxino, the winner of the 2010 Search for the Happiest Pinoy. He was all smiles when he entered the room, and I was thinking, ok so he is the happiest man, but how? When I heard his story, I understood why he deserved the title.


Winston Maxino Happiest Pinoy 2010


Winston Maxino has been diagnosed with asthma, osteoperosis, uveitis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Angkylosi-what? It’s a very rare degenerative disease (only 3 have been recoreded in the Philippines) which affects the spinal column, making the person’s vertebrae join together. Despite this, his doctor attests that he is a delight to talk with. He also has a daughter with Down’s Syndrome, and he is very proud of her!


I’m pretty sure he has faced a lot of hurdles in life, hearing from him that he even got to a point where he questioned the deities for his “misfortune”. And still, there he was, standing in front of us, all smiles. The Happiest Pinoy.


How on earth??


He chose to be happy.


My face actually lit up when I heard that 5-word sentence. He chose to be happy.


It’s easy for people to be all emo and pity themselves for all the world has thrown at them and the “tragic fate” they have received. It’s easy for some to rant about things and find fault in other people, but how difficult does it have to be for us to appreciate?


Happiness is a decision you can make. It’s a matter of perspective. You will be happy if you choose to be.


When in Manila, don’t deprive yourself of a life worth living. Choose a lighter life. Choose to be happy 🙂


Now, do you know someone who could be the next Happiest Pinoy who could share with us how they stay happy amid adversaries?


Nominating the Happiest Pinoy


any Filipino of legal age, good moral character and residing in the Philippines may be nominated.
any Filipino of legal age, group or organization registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may nominate.
nominations are accepted from October 21, 2011- July 30, 2012




secure online nomination forms and upload entries to
send accomplished forms to Cebuana Lhuillier Insurance Solutions (CLIS) Head Office, 821 A. Spring corner J.P. Rizal streets, Makati City


Criteria for Judging


a constantly cheeful face and optimistic outlook
proven ability to rise above life’s challenges
ive impact in the lives of others


Selecting the Happiest Pinoy


a screening committee composed of PJ Lhuillier Group Officers/Managers will shortlist nominees from all regions in the country.
the entries of top 20 semi-finalists will be forwarded to the Board of Judges who will select and interview the Top 10 finalists.
the names of top 10 finalists will be announced in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Business Mirror until the ‘Happiest Pinoy’ is named by the Board of Judges.


Prize for the Happiest Pinoy


Happiest Pinoy Winner – Php 250,000 + trophy
Nine (9) Runners up – Php 25,000 + trophy


For more information visit




Cebuana Lhuillier Pawnshop has been the leading pawnshop chain in the Philippines with over 1,500 branches across the country—from Aparri to Tawi-Tawi. For 25 years now, Cebuana has been true to its slogan “Walang Kapantay Magpahalaga” through the incomparable services that the company offers to its customers- this includes — pawning, local and international remittance, insurance, bills payment, e-load, collection, and foreign exchange. Founded in 1987 by the current Philippine envoy to Portugal, Ambassador Philippe Jones Lhuillier, Cebuana Lhuillier is currently managed by its President and CEO, Jean Henri Lhuillier.



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