Ways on How to Get the Most Out of Your Business Loan

When accomplishing a loan for your business, surely you would like to use it wisely. It may have taken a great effort in getting the approval for your capital; however, it is a much tougher struggle in using your funds in the most budget-friendly way, making sure that not a cent gets wasted. There are many ways to get the most out of your business loan, regardless of the size of your venture. In most cases, people tend to overspend, putting them in more debt. This should be avoided, which is why we had enumerated a few important factors to consider in handling the amount set aside for your business:

Put the money in a separate account.

Your personal account should not be mixed with the business capital. There are banks offering accounts which are specifically set up for money used in businesses. Inquire on this aspect as separating your personal money would be critical to managing your capital. This would enable you to avoid overspending, in that you would only spend your personal cash, and not the capital that you would be putting into your venture.

Set up automatic loan payments.

When you were requesting for a loan, you made a promise in the form of a contract. This contract demands that you pay a particular amount in a specific set of time, countersigned by the lender. In such case, having overdue or missed payments on your loan can really hurt your credit score, and make it more difficult for you to borrow money in the future. Avoid missing deadlines at all cost. Setting up automatic payments transfers the needed amount without giving you any hassle. Even if you would forget to pay, the automatic payment already saved you from having a blemished paying record.

Don’t assume that once you’ve got funding, you are all set.

Always be prepared for any unforeseen expenses. This is one of the main reasons why you should save and keep every expense recorded via receipts, so that you may not overspend and still be able to keep a few amounts aside for possible fees, with regard to your business process. Remember, the best plan to execute is a well-thought plan that would save you and your venture from debts and deadlines.

If, after learning of these various types of loans, you are still doubtful of which one would best work for you and your business, worry no more. We at Cebuana Lhuillier offer Lucky Loans, a multi-purpose loan offered to SMEs such as restaurant and mini groceries, among other businesses. It is convenient, fast, and secure. So what are you waiting for? Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch now!

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Tips to Save on Car Insurance

Accidents happen. This is the main reason why many would avail of car insurance–to avoid spending big for damage repairs and possible hospital bills later on. There are various coverages in terms of car insurances, however, always remember that not all coverages are applicable for you. There are only a few that would save you a lot of money, depending on your needs. With this, we had enumerated few tips to keep in mind in order to save on car insurance:

Choose a well-known insurance company.

The thing about companies with familiar brand names is that there is a reason why a lot of people know about their products and services. An insurance company that has been around for decades would obviously be better trusted than those that just came into existence after a few years. Aside from the fact that well-known companies had already stood the test of time, some also implement promos and discounts on car insurances and coverages. Grab this opportunity as well, while transacting with a tested insurer.

Do an Annual Rate Check.

The thing about prices is that they constantly change with the flow of an economy. The insurance fee for today may be a lot different tomorrow, which is why you should time your purchase of car insurance. Ask around different companies and request for the price list of their coverages. Know if there are any hidden charges, be familiar with the different aspects of their coverage, and choose one that would best work for you. Many would mistakenly choose a higher price, not knowing that there is a lower alternative from another company, an expense that was not avoided due to lack of research.

Report Reduced Mileage

One of the factors affecting the cost of car insurance is miles driven per year. The average is about 12,000 miles. But if you’re driving a lot less than usual for some reason, like a job change or retirement, let your insurer know. Your reduced driving could cut 5 to 10 percent off your premium. This is due to the fact that, the less you drive, the lesser chance of you getting involved in an accident. Again, take note that this is applicable for those undergoing job change or retirement, which means you either cover only short travel distances or do not travel at all.

You finally decided to get a car insurance. However, you would prefer an affordable one that would really look out for you in times of need. No need to worry, as here in Cebuana Lhuillier, we offer the AutoCARE Insurance, a Standard Comprehensive Car Insurance that covers Own Damage (OD), Theft, Loss and/or Damage. Excess Bodily Injury (EBI), Excess Property Damage (EPD), and Acts of God/Nature (AOG/AON). Be a hero on the road, be safe, and be insured. Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch!

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Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Small Business Loan

It’s tough to get rejected when you’re applying for a business loan. No approval, no business capital. Indeed, borrowing money for your business may seem complicated, as many are turned down, regardless of the type of business they have in mind. However, this doesn’t mean that your chances would always be slim. As a matter of fact, there are already several factors that may affect, and even improve your chances of borrowing the capital amount–you would just need to prepare in advance. Here are a couple of ways to improve your chances of getting a small business loan:

Prepare and smoothen out your business plan.

Lenders would like to see what you have in mind. They would like you to convince them that once they lend you your capital, you would succeed in your business and be able to pay back what is owed. The road map of your venture would be better explained in a business plan. You don’t need to include gimmicks when presenting lenders with your idea; you just have to be clear with your goals and your strategy in making your ideas work and turning your dream business into a successful reality.

Don’t settle for a single lender.

As with all choices, proper analysis of your options would enable you to go for a wise decision. Having the right lender by your side would mean that you wouldn’t have to deal with the hassle that comes with tight time frame for payments and very strict regulations. In some occasions, you may even negotiate when to pay and how much you would have to provide in a particular amount of time. “Shop” for different lenders and choose the one which would best work for you and your business in the long run.

Prepare more than one payment plan.

As with never settling for just one choice of lender, you should also prepare for multiple payment plans as well. There are many expenses along the way and you would need to cope per each due date, either that or you would get penalized for late payments. Think about the finance you need and the purpose and period you need it for, then prepare two different payment plans. Having a clear payment plan will make you appear to be a responsible borrower and increase your chances of approval.

Get a jumpstart on your business venture with a trusted name that offers only the best service possible. If you’re a residence of Laguna and Southern Metro Manila, then Cebuana Lhuillier’s Lucky Loan is definitely your top choice. It is a multi-purpose loan offered to registered entities such as tricycle operators, credit cooperatives, and other groups, as well as SMEs such as restaurant and mini groceries, among other businesses. Our network of more than 2,000 Cebuana Lhuillier outlets and online presence give customers unlimited access and utter convenience in applying for a loan. Our five-point application to disbursement process ensures services are delivered on time. So what are you waiting for? Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch now – we assure a fast, easy and secure transaction.

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Tips to Choose the Best Personal Loan for You

Once in a while, we get the idea of getting our own personal loan to meet various needs. They are actually a preferred type of loan for some as they may pay off the loan within a set amount of time. Other than that, it may seem practical as it offers the feeling of financial freedom, especially for those who are looking to have a little extra when it comes to expenses. With this, you may want to experience the same cushion in terms of financial stability; however, there are factors to consider when applying for one. Here are some pointers to consider before signing up for a personal loan:

Have one that matches your needs.

There is a reason why you would like to apply for a personal loan. You may either want to consolidate your credit card debt, improve your home, invest in your business, or simply take a vacation. Regardless, knowing the purpose of your loan would help you not only receive the best deal out of the whole process, but also remind you of the terms involved in the underlying payments that you would have to accomplish after a set amount of time.

Choose the right lender.

There are many financing sources that offer personal loans; each has their own policies and interest rates. Shop around and find a lender whose loan products best fit your needs so you may adjust and adhere to the regulations and time period given to you. Also take note of the requirements, as varying financial sources would mean varying documents as well.

Read the fine print

Being cautious helps a lot, especially in transactions that involves a lot of money. Be firm in asking for a full disclosure of all the loan terms and make sure to read the fine print. There are differences in the regulations offered by different lenders. See if the monthly payment and repayment terms work for you. There also could be penalties for late payments.

After reading through our tips, you would definitely want to choose a loaning service that would best be applicable to your needs, without all of the hassles. Look no further than Cebuana Lhuillier’s Happy Loan, a multi-purpose loan amounting from Php 5,000 to Php 15,000 offered to any individual who is employed, self-employed, student, or a remittance beneficiary. Our network of more than 2,000 Cebuana Lhuillier outlets and online presence give customers unlimited access and utter convenience in applying for a loan.

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Personal Loan 101: Bank Loans vs Private Lender Loans

Loans vary, depending on your needs and preferences. If you decide to open your own business, you would need capital, or the preliminary amount that you would use to startup your venture. You would like to start immediately, however, your savings aren’t enough to accommodate the overall capital itself. So you choose to borrow money for your business; in short, you apply for a loan. In such case, you have two choices; one is a bank loan while the other is a private lender loan. You’re not sure which to take up, so you do your own research. No need to look further though, as we had enumerated a few differences to help you decide:

Bank Loans offer lower interest rates than Private Lenders.

You read that right, they do offer lower rates. You may be wondering why. Well, banks have lower cost of funds than lenders. Depositors keep a lot of money in their checking and savings accounts, hence, banks have easy access to those funds to lend out. And, if banks don’t pay interest for those deposits or pay very little interest then those funds are very cheap for the bank to use. It is also notable that Private Lenders borrow the money that they’re going to lend from the bank itself, which is why they have a higher interest rate, since additional fees would be given to the “middle man,” in this case, the lenders themselves.

It is easier to get an approval from Private Lenders.

Just when you thought that the first pointer would convince you to immediately apply for a bank loan, you end up reading this second pointer, which is to say that it is much easier to get an approved loan from a Private Lender. The reason for this, you may ask? While banks definitely have the freedom to lend out funds at lower rates, they hardly do. Banks are the main rivals of Private Lenders, which is why they would just need to lower their rate a little in order to make you decide in choosing them instead. If the Private Lenders offer you a 10% interest rate, the banks (cunning as they are) would only have to charge you 9.8% in order to convince you that they are a much affordable choice. Aside from this, they would also require a lot of paper work and pre-requisite documents, unlike Private Lenders.

Go for the one which you will most likely get approved for.

This is the best factor to consider. Don’t feel bad for not getting your preferred method, you may try out for the other one and try again in the future, when your business is finally reaching its peak. The best thing about having two types of loan is that you are not restricted to just one method. Do your research, learn from every mistake, and strive to achieve the loan that would be most beneficial to your business.

Get a jumpstart on your business venture with a trusted name that offers only the best service possible. Cebuana Lhuillier’s Lucky Loan is definitely your top choice. It is a multi-purpose loan offered to registered entities such as tricycle operators, credit cooperatives and other groups, as well as SMEs such as restaurant and mini groceries, among other businesses. Our network of more than 2,000 Cebuana Lhuillier outlets and online presence give customers unlimited access and utter convenience in applying for a loan.

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Money Remittance Tips for OFWs

Safety and security is everyone’s top priority. While most safety measures are practiced on the road and in the office, one must not forget to take the same measures in money remittance. Money transactions may look simple and totally risk-free, however, you must also be aware that there are people who do not have your best interest at heart. In this case, you must always be careful and knowledgeable when it comes to money remittances. Here are just a few factors to consider when sending money to your loved ones in the Philippines:

Consider foreign exchange rates before every transaction.

The amount you’re sending would equal to a much bigger amount when it reaches the local remittance outlets, however, you must also time your transactions, in terms of following the foreign exchange values. A dollar that amounts to 49 Pesos today may be equal to 45 Pesos tomorrow. Study the ever-changing patterns to ensure that your loved ones back in the Philippines would receive a much bigger value.

Choose a well-known remittance center.

Some remittance center offers a low service charge for the transaction, but holds the risk of a non-secured transaction. It is much better to deal with a reputable agent to avoid any hassles or possible scam in the long run. Your loved ones would be waiting for your money transfers, ensure that they would receive it and not some unknown stranger.

Make the most of technology.

Instead of visiting an agent, you may just transfer money using your smartphone. There are certain apps that allow you send money with just a few clicks. Avoid long lines and send the amount on time.

With these factors in mind, you are ready to send your hard-earned money to your family back at home; however, you are still undecided as to which remitting center you should transact with. Well no need to look any further, with Cebuana Lhuillier’s Pera Padala Service, you are ensured an easy, quick, and safe way to send and receive money. With more than 2,000 branches nationwide and accredited international partners, this money transfer service is made available to clients within and outside the Philippines. All transactions are real time, which enables clients to claim the money as soon as the sender completes the sending process in the branch. So what are you waiting for? Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch now – we assure a fast, easy and secure transaction.

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How to Get the Best Appraisal in Pawnshops

You’re hoping to sell a couple of items (extra gadgets or jewelry) in order to earn a little extra cash. You decided to pawn those items, instead, so you may conserve time and energy. In such case, you would like to make sure that you would get the best value possible. This value or money return is determined by what we call the appraisal, or the amount of cash that would be given to you in exchange for the items that you would pawn. This means that if you come unprepared, you may only be given a small amount in cash return for the items that you had surrendered. Here are just a few pointers to consider in getting the best appraisals in pawnshops:

Clean your jewelry.

No pawnshop will give you a proper appraisal when they see that the item is either dirty or dismantled. You may even be accused of scamming your way to a good pay. Remember that all surrendered items should be in clean, mint, and proper condition. Shine your gems before bringing them to the pawnshop, make sure that no dirt is on the gold, and make your silver sterling. They’ll show better across the counter, and you’re likely to get more money.

Do your own research.

Learn to inquire on the offered amount. How much would the pawnshop and appraisers pay you in exchange for your gem? You may be surprised that the prices of jewelry change from time to time, even quicker than some other products, hence another reason to have it appraised as well as routinely as you can. This doesn’t mean that you should have it validated monthly, rather, whatever changes you may hear from the store you may confirm via the appraisers, only then may you know the current selling price of your jewels. Knowing the right value would save you from possibly losing something and not getting the fair amount at all. Be informed at all times and stay firm on your price range.

Visit a well-known pawnshop.

This is related to the second factor to consider. Remember that reputation is everything, which is why you should only transact with a pawnshop that already has a reputable stance and familiarity with its customers. While other pawnshops may try to convince you of great cash returns, there are cases of hidden charges per transaction, a fee that no one wants to pay for. Pawn your items only at the most trusted name, save yourself from hassle while earning a fair amount in return.

With all of that being said, you may be looking for a pawn shop that would provide you with the most honest and highest appraisal possible. No worries, as Cebuana Lhuillier has got your back. With their Pawning Service you can never go short in any amount, as they accept an array of items, from jewelry to gadgets, as collaterals. They also lead the pawning industry by offering safety and the highest appraisal rate in the industry in its more than 2,000 branches nationwide. Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch now – we assure a fast, easy and secure transaction.

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How to Choose the Best Bank Account Type for You

Knowing the type of bank account that would best work for you has its advantages. Many are not aware that lifestyle is a major factor when determining the type of account. Take into consideration the features of each account and you would identify the one which you think your money will most likely be secured in. This is not to say that the other types are not secured, rather, they have different uses, and you will be most interested to learn that each functionality will bring you convenience. To help you choose, we had enumerated the main types that you may commonly come across or heard of:

Savings account

This is one of the most common types of bank account. For employees receiving their salary on a pay day, you can be sure that 95% to 100% of them at least access the savings option in an ATM. Savings account allows you to accumulate interest or incentives on the amount or funds saved within a certain period of time. These interest rates can be accumulated on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. Keep in mind though that every savings account has a required deposit amount to preliminarily open, and even a maintaining balance to sustain for a long run. It is also notable to mention that this type of account is applicable for those who do not withdraw for a long time, as it accumulates interest for a certain period of time.

Checking account

Unlike the savings account, this one is applicable for those who usually withdraw money for their everyday needs; it also keeps your cash secure. You may use a debit card or check to avail of products and services, and even pay bills. Keep in mind that each checking account has an equivalent package, containing features that match your purchasing habits. There are also options to waive certain monthly service fees, as you would indeed be using this account more often and you would like to avoid accumulating service fees from numerous transactions.

Current account

This may very well be the type of account that describes the first two, in the sense that it features similar traits with both of them. It is also an account for everyday use, rendering it flexible in functionality. Two or more people can even set up this type of account and call it a joint account. It works like a current account except each person has a check book and card.

With the proper knowledge of bank account types, you finally decide to open one; however, you still haven’t chosen which bank to apply for. Well, worry no more. If you’re a resident of Bacoor, Cavite, Batangas, then the Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank is your one-stop spot for opening your own savings account. All transactions are real time, erasing all the hassles that you may experience in other establishments. So what are you waiting for? Visit the Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank now – we assure a fast, easy and secure transaction.

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Factors to Consider When Comparing International Money Transfer Providers

Sending money to your loved ones is simple. Most of the time, you would just have to go to the remittance branch, sign a few forms, give the agent your preferred amount, then let your family back at home know that the money is on the way, providing them the control number at the same time. Yes, it looks simple; however, you must also consider the type of remittance agents that you would be transacting with. More often than not, you pay more while your family gets less, sacrificing great value in the process. No need to worry, as we had enumerated a few things to look out for when comparing international money remittance providers:

Familiarity and reputation of the company.

As with other branded products like shoes and clothes, services with a formidable and well-known name are more trusted than those of unknown origins. This is not to say that familiar brands and services are a 100% perfect with their quality, however, there is a reason why such companies stood the test of time. Well-known companies are indeed “well-known” for a reason, and that is due to the fact that they lasted years, evolved with the needs of their clients and customers, and continued to present them with great deals throughout the years.

Remittance fees.

Whenever you are availing the service or product of a company or a particular brand, it is only normal to pay equivalent fees. Some prices are reasonable; however, you wouldn’t want to pay a huge amount of money for a service that seems very minimal. Money remittance involves a certain amount of transaction, but keep in mind that each service charge is determined by a formula or computation, deriving percentage from the amount that you will send to your loved ones back at home and not by the discretion of the remittance company itself.

Partners (banks and possibly other remittance centers)

It would be a hassle for your loved ones to travel far just to reach a remittance center from the same company where you had your money sent. Some remittance centers partner with banks and other transaction agents just so your loved ones may receive the amount, even from a different service area. Remittance partners should be abundant and easy to find, to ensure that your money will be received with the least amount of hassle, and in no time.

With these factors in mind, you are ready to send your hard-earned money to your family back at home; however, you are still undecided as to which remitting center you should transact with. Well no need to look any further, with Cebuana Lhuillier’s Pera Padala Service, you are ensured an easy, quick, and safe way to send and receive money. With more than 2,000 branches nationwide and accredited international partners, this money transfer service is made available to clients within and outside the Philippines. All transactions are real time, which enables clients to claim the money as soon as the sender completes the sending process in the branch. Visit your nearest Cebuana Lhuillier branch now!

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Banking 101: Banking Terms You Should Know About Before Opening an Account

You’re new to banking and you would like to get the most out of your first transaction. You would like to achieve this by making the least amount of mistakes while also undergoing a smooth process. It may look easy, but banking isn’t just all about withdrawal and deposits–there are many other factors that you may encounter along the way. Here are just some of the few terms that you may come across. Knowing each may help you avoid any hassle within your transactions and enable you to have a positive experience all throughout:


This is definitely one of the most common terms that you would get used to. This refers to the act of storing your money in the bank, classified into accounts such as a checking or savings. Depending on the type of your choice, an interest would accumulate on your account, adding a certain percentage on your savings annually, as long as you wouldn’t take the money which you had deposited for a certain period of time.

Annual Percentage Yield

This one determines how much you get paid by the bank for depositing money. This refers to the amount of interest the bank pays on your deposit account, as long as you would leave your cash within that particular account for a certain period or timeframe.


This is the exact opposite of deposit, in the sense that it is the act of taking money from your account. While a savings account would motivate you not to withdraw money for a certain period due to the annual percentage yield, a checking account allows you to freely withdraw anytime you wish.

Automated Teller Machine

Commonly abbreviated as ATM, this machine handles banking transactions. These transactions include (but on some occasions are not limited to) making deposits, withdrawing money, transferring funds between accounts, and providing you with your account balance. The advent of technology also allows you to pay your bills via the ATM as well (depending on the bank or branch).

Available Balance

This refers to the amount of money in your account that can be accessed for immediate use. Take note that this is different from your current balance, in the sense that it does not have any pending debits, while the latter is the amount of money in your account at the beginning of the day excluding any pending deposits or withdrawals.

With the proper knowledge of banking terms and procedures, you finally decide to open an account; however, you still haven’t chosen which bank to apply for. Well, worry no more. If you’re a resident of Bacoor, Cavite, then the Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank is your one-stop spot for opening your own savings account. All transactions are real time, erasing all the hassles that you may experience in other establishments. So what are you waiting for? Visit the Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank now!

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